Monday, November 2, 2009

Forgotten Coffee

This morning I got up on time to get ready and make coffee. I've had really good beans at home, the Panama, from the Coffee Ethic. I got everything packed up for the day and drove to work, leaving the coffee I made at home. So I bought a cup this morning instead.

I don't know when I made this little spill. At some point I looked down and there were some drips on my shirt.

So this fall I haven't been amazing at updating on time. So I found a slew of pics on my camera that I will probably periodically add whenever I have a current posting. So here are a couple of oldies.



Coffee: The Coffee Ethic's House blend. You know I like it.


Winnie said...


Unknown said...

I stumbled accross your blog looking for a picture of fat fingers to raz a buddy for his inability to type. I don't know why I started reading this but I did. Great stuff! Your inability to keep the coffee in the cup is fascinating to me...All in all a fun read for a slow Friday. Cheers!