Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Drip Drops

Bought coffee in the student union today, from Kaldi's. I was there this morning to mail my taxes. Nothing like putting it off until the last minute. Actually, I've had them done for weeks, but I've been out of stamps. Then I placed them in the mail yesterday, but the letter carrier never picked them up. So I drove to the union today to drop my taxes off at the post office, but as I pulled up in the parking lot, I realized I hadn't placed the address labels on the envelope. So I drove back home to get the labels. Finally, back to the postoffice. Then on my way out I bought coffee.

I was in drinking the coffee in my office, when I accidentally set the cup down a bit to hard. Two tiny drip drops flew off. One landed on my keyboard and the other on my jeans.

Coffee: Birds and Bees blend from Kaldi's.
One of my favorites, it has a great medium flavor! The decription says that this blend is Latin American beans, using a shade grown meathod. By not cutting down the trees, the habitat of insects and song birds is protected. Sounds nice to me. I seem to really like shade grown coffees.


J.G. said...

But apparently, you still don't like Spell Check. (Good to see you blogging again!)

Mack said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who waits until the 11 hour to pay the man.

I enjoyed the story behind the spill. It really set the tone.