Saturday, April 25, 2009

Early Morning Emergency

Saturday morning I couldn't sleep (it seemed like the birds outside my window were in a marathon screeching contest) so I ended up going to walmart at 6:30 in the morning. Well I got back home around 8:30 and I was starving and had no coffee yet. So I quickly whipped up one of my favorite breakfasts, two eggs fried on toast, and ground some coffee beans. As I was filling the coffee maker with water I realized that we had no filters. I had to get creative. Though I didn't resort to brewing coffee in a stock, I stuffed in a paper towel. I was waiting for the disaster, but it worked surprisingly well. The spill actually came when I was trying to poor the water in the coffee maker. I enjoyed my coffee and breakfast on our AstroTurf covered stoop, where I also dripped egg yolk on my shirt. This kind of grosses me out a little.

Coffee: Guatemalan from Equal Exchange.
I need to buy coffee in smaller amounts.

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